The Foundation of Revival or Is There No Balm in Gilead?
Author: Wilhelm Fetler, founder of Russian Bible Society (originally printed in 1930)
78 pgs; Paperback
Genuine spiritual regeneration is the natural result of observing and fulfilling certain conditions laid down in the Word of God. Just as an electrician, in the practice of his trade, goes through everything step-by-step and without fail, beginning with the first point, going on to the second, and so on. Then, accordingly, simply turns on the switch, and the natural result of his actions will be light. In the same way, by observing all the divine conditions for regeneration, point-by-point, following the rules, just as an electrician relies on the observance of electrical laws in his work, spiritual Light and Life will be assured in your home. The first requisite for the work of the Holy Spirit in our hearts and in our churches is that we sincerely take a position of entire and implicit obedience to God and His Word. It is impossible to count on any other basis.
No one should even begin to pray for Revival until he has honestly and sincerely come to this fundamental condition. But having accepted this condition, he is on the way to the “abundant flow of blessings.”
The book contains a valuable appendix with biographies of famous personalities and important events mentioned by the author, as well as a number of photographs.